Bald Eagle Exhibit
Bald Eagle – Haliaeetus Leucocephalus

Habitat: The bald eagle makes its home in forested areas near the water, including marshes, coastlines and riverbanks. The national bird of the United States, they are also found in Canada and northern Mexico. Vagrant bald eagles have been found as far abroad as Ireland.
Adaptations: The eagle’s eyes are set close together, giving them binocular vision, which gives them excellent depth perception. Eagle vision is estimated to be up to eight times better than human vision. An eagle’s ears are located under a layer of feathers just behind the eyes. Eagles have hooked beaks designed to cut, tear and crush their food. Eagles have strong legs and powerful bright yellow feet, which help them catch their prey and also allow them to perch high in the treetops.
Diet: Mainly fish, also rodents, small mammals and carrion (dead animals).
Fun Fact: Bald eagle nests, built of woven sticks, are among the largest of bird nests, and they may be reused and added to for years. Bald eagles do not obtain their characteristic white head until they are mature, usually at 5 years old.
Despite their fierce appearance, the voice of the bald eagle is very weak, sounding more like a chicken’s cluck. The “scream” of a bald eagle often heard in movies and television is usually the call of a red-tailed hawk.
The Salisbury Zoo’s two bald eagles, Cheveyo and Sam, are both non-releasable and non-flighted. Before they came to the Zoo, they had each been injured.