Dark and light green leaves

Great Curassow & Turtle Exhibit

Red Footed Tortoise – Chelonoidis Carbanaria

Status: They are protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), they cannot be exported from any home country without a permit.
Red Footed Tortise

Habitat: Native to Central and South America, red-footed tortoises inhabit tropical forest and open grasslands.

During cold weather, red-foots can survive on minimal food because their metabolism slows down. They are most active during the day after rain. Males attract females by making a clucking sound.

Great Curassow – (Crax rubra)

Status: Great curassow populations are declining due to habitat destruction and deforestation. Local people also hunt curassows as a food source. Habitat – Humid forests from Southern Mexico to western Ecuador.
Curosaw Min

Habitat: Prefers undisturbed humid forests.  Most commonly found in park reserves and refuges

Range: Ranges from southern Mexico throughout Central America to western Ecuador.

Great curassows have long legs and are fast runners.  They frequently rely on their running speed instead of flight to escape predation, using their wings to help them jump up trees.