Eastern Wild Turkey – Meleagris Gallopavo
Status: Least Concern

Habitat: Wild turkeys range from southern Canada through central Mexico. They are found in hardwood and mixed forests, but they also need open spaces such as pastures or hayfields because these areas provide groundcover and insects used to feed their young.
Adaptations: They have keen eyesight and hearing and their feathers help them blend in with their surroundings. They can fly quickly for short distances, or fly into trees for shelter. Wild turkeys often band together in flocks. They can make a wide range of sounds, including the male’s “gobble” to attract females.
Diet: Adult turkeys forage for food such as acorns, nuts, leaves, buds, seeds and fruit. They eat around 90% plant matter and 10% insects.
Fun Fact: Wild turkeys are one of two domesticated birds native to the New World; their name comes from the mistaken belief that they originated in Turkey. Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be the national bird of the United States rather than the Bald Eagle, which he considered a scavenger and thief.