White-Tailed Deer – Odocoileus Virginianus

Habitat: White-tailed deer are common throughout much of the United States, but their range stretches much further, from southern Canada down through South America. They are most common in edge habitats, where fields and meadows meet woodlands. They usually feed from late afternoon into the nighttime hours and are often back in the safety of their bedding areas by first light of morning.
Adaptations: The summer hair coat is reddish-brown, while the thicker winter coat is dull brown to grayish. Fawns are covered with white spots for camouflage. Deer use their excellent senses of smell, hearing and eyesight to detect predators. When danger is spotted, deer will flee, flashing their white tails as a warning sign to other deer.
Diet: Green plants, acorns and other nuts, tree buds, woody plants, shrubs and cultivated crops.
Fun Fact: Male white-tailed deer grow antlers, which they use to compete for access to females. After the breeding season, these antlers drop off, and are regrown the next year.