The 2024 Salisbury ZooCrew Program, for teens ages 14-16, will be held from June 17-Aug. 30, 2024.
This program will allow teens to explore interests in nature, conservation, and environmental education through service at the Salisbury Zoo. Teens will learn about careers in the environmental and animal care fields, gain public speaking experience, and make friends. ZooCrew Volunteers will also expand on valuable skills such as project development, public engagement, and maintaining a consistent schedule. Volunteers are expected to commit at least 10 hours per week. There will be an orientation prior to the start of ZooCrew on Saturday, June 15, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and attendance is mandatory for all participants.
The cost of ZooCrew is $50, and volunteers will receive a T-shirt and name tag along with a certificate of recognition. ZooCrew members may use their time spent with ZooCrew as service-learning hours. Please note that parents or caregivers will be expected to remain available and within 30 minutes of the Zoo during the hours when the ZooCrew member is volunteering in case of emergency. If selected, parents will be expected to fill out emergency and medical release forms.
ZooCrew volunteers will be expected to maintain a professional and positive attitude and come ready to work in closed-toed shoes and attire appropriate for an outdoor setting. ZooCrew volunteers may assist with animal care and diet prep, along with other tasks, but will not be allowed to handle animals at any time during ZooCrew. ZooCrew teens will be supervised by Zoo staff at all times. Please complete this application by May 20, 2024, to apply for the ZooCrew program.
In-person interviews will take place on Friday, May 31, from 4-6 p.m. and Saturday, June 1, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. All offers will be sent out the following week and all decisions will need to be made by June 7. Please be mindful that space for ZooCrew is limited.